
Showing posts from April, 2019

Red Pill Raw - Institutionalized Domestic Violence Double Standards | Harry Crouch

Questioning the DV/IPV narrative

Female sex offenders

The Indepedent Female coercion study  "Stemple’s team also considered data from the U.S. Census Bureau which revealed that in 2012, a study of a percentage women and men who admitted to forcing sex found that 43.6 per cent of that subset were women, compared to 56.4 per cent of men." Scientific American: A portrait of female sex offenders "the common one-dimensional portrayal of women as harmless victims reinforces outdated gender stereotypes. This keeps us from seeing women as complex human beings, able to wield power, even in misguided or violent ways. And, the assumption that men are always perpetrators and never victims reinforces unhealthy ideas about men and their supposed invincibility" Atlantic: The Understudied Female Sexual Predator

Erin Pizzey

Red Pill Raw Files - Why Did You Start First Womens' Shelter, Pt.I Red Pill Raw Files - Why Did You Start First Womens' Shelter, Pt. II Red Pill Raw Files - Breakdown of Family

Domestic violence

Martin Fiebert - studies, metastudies YouTube lecture Female violence > Male violence Male violence is mostly predicated on female physical violence Female violence is mostly predicated on male verbal violence Injuries are more or less in parity (use of weapons massively female) Homicide is near parity, but figures exclude male suicide Stefan Molyneux on gender stats Erin Pizzey speaks on refuges and violent people of both genders Harvard study: Domestic violence: Not always one sided The Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project "Violence between intimate partners (PV) is widely regarded as a crime committed by men against women, and this paradigm has informed policy on criminal justice interventions for the past three decades. Having found symmetry across gender in many aspects of PV, most scholars now question this paradigm and argue for more gender inclusive, evidence-based policies" Telegraph: Elizabeth Bates: Women are more aggressive and controlling t